Resistance training garners the support of gravity to weigh you down as much as possible. It's painful to do but builds the same muscles in half the time. Watch this video to learn several exercises y ...
If you're on a diet and exercise routine, it's probably better to do a few lateral arm lifts and bicep curls than to scarf down a donut if you have a few minutes to spare. Watch this video to learn ar ...
With all that computer typing and finger clicking to blow up people on World of Warcraft that you do, your wrists and fingers probably ache like the dickens. Pamper these prized parts by watching thi ...
Whereas mental weights are often despised as mettlesome and fatiguing, dumbbell weights are welcomed as soul rejuvenating pleasures that spic, span, and slenderize contours. Get weighed down today wi ...
Sling weights like a classic chunkhead with a lot less pain using this beginner arm toning exercise move. By moving weights across your body, one at a time, you'll challenge your biceps and pectorals ...
Tending to your body with love (and frequent bouts of exercise) is a lot like being affectionate with your children: the more attention you pay to building a lean body now, the more likely it is that ...
Calf raises are nice, easy, but overall kind of blah when it comes to actually challenging your body's capabilities. Make your calves run on VTEC the next time you wear calve-broadcasting booty shorts ...
If you feel like your muscles are starting to sag and weaken, check out this tutorial. In this video, professional fitness trainer, Kathy Kaehler, will show you how to perform some simple strength tr ...
Are you looking to get big, burly arms? If you are into bodybuilding, or are just trying to perfect your physique.. have a look at this video. In it, you will learn how to do a finishing exercise an ...