Hot Weights How-Tos
How To: Do cable rope overhead skull crushers for your arms
Learn how to do cable rope power overhead skull crushers. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life.
How To: Use a Smith machine to practice inverted pull ups
Learn how to do Smith machine inverted pull ups. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits
How To: Do reverse barbell shrugs to exercise the back
The reverse barbell shrug is an excellent way to work the trapezius muscles. This exercise is sometimes referred to as "behind-the-back shrugs." The reverse shrug minimizes the momentum that can be generated with traditional shrugs to the front of the body.
How To: Do shoulder dumbbell or plate circles
Learn how to do shoulder dumbbell or plate circles. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life.
How To: Practice full situps with dumbbells and cross punches
Learn how to do full situps with dumbbells and alternate cross punches. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life.
How To: Work out your shoulders with reverse fly on a pec deck
Learn how to do reverse flys on a pec deck. Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life. Benefits
How To: Complete reverse barbel curls to tone the biceps
Reverse barbell curls are exactly what they sound like: Doing normal barbell curls in the reverse, with your fingers gripped over the bar rather than under. Doing these curls will really build the heat in your biceps, increasing muscular density.
How To: Do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a single-arm standing tricep extension exercise weight lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Keep a lordotic curve in your back when bench pressing
Proper form is very important to lifting weight and strength training. One wrong move could potentially lead to an injury. Follow along in this how-to video critique by Mark Rippetoe as he guides someone through the correct lordotic arch position in bench pressing. Better posture can lead to more effective lifting. Learn to maintain the lordotic curve in your back when doing a bench press.
How To: Do deadweight standing crunches
Increase muscle strength with dead lift exercises. Learn tips and techniques for proper weightlifting in this fitness video. Take action: keep bar close to legs, don't round the back and use proper form. Michelle is a personal trainer at a gym in NC and has been a personal trainer for several years. She is certified through ACE and is a certified aerobics instructor as well. Her Specialty is weight lifting and she enjoys training aspiring female body builders as she is one herself. She focuse...
How To: Do supine pull ups to work your back
The supine pull-up is generally performed on a Smith machine. This exercise is a modified version of the classic pull-up. It is sometimes referred to as an inverted pull-up. The first step in this exercise is to adjust the bar height. The bar height should be approximately 4 feet high. You can adjust the bar height as needed. Next, ensure your handgrip is slightly wider than shoulder width apart. For this exercise, use an overhand grip. With your arms fully extended, pull yourself (neck/chest...
How To: Do a bench press with household materials
This version of the chest press is ideal for those who may not have weights available. It is also great if you are simply looking to try something new. For this exercise, you will need two gallon-size water jugs. Fill the jugs with water as needed.
How To: Do 4 types of dumbbell punches
Get the shoulders of a boxer without ever entering the ring. This exercise builds your shoulders with a series of classic boxing moves, with weights in each hand to up the ante. Learn how to do dumbbell punches (the four types are: side-to-side, cross up, cross down, and hooks). Presented by Real Jock Gay Fitness Health & Life.
How To: Do the bent over row back exercise correctly and safely
This is an easy exercise you can even do at home - all you need is a weight or dumbbell and a few chairs or similar low table to exercise on. This is a bit more challenging than a traditional exercise, but the results are worth it! Always keep your back straight.
How To: Sculpt your chest with the hip dumbbell press
If you've ever injured your shoulder before, then you know that it takes a lot of time and rehabilitation before you can move it around again, let alone lift weights.
How To: Work out with weights without injuring your lower back
Whenever you work out, you put yourself at risk of injury. Of course, that doesn't mean you should stop your wonderful jump lunges and push ups; it's just that you should be careful when doing certain moves so you don't injure yourself and prevent yourself from working out for a while.
How To: Strengthen your arms with triceps extension exercises using dumbbells
Strengthening your arms takes determination and effort, and one surefire way to get there is by working out your triceps. Triceps extensions are the perfect exercise for those of you with dumbbells at home. It's a great workout to get those dreamy arms and is a basic exercise that isolates the triceps. After doing a couple sets you may start to feel the burn! Lift safety!
How To: Perform a concentration side bicep curl with dumbbells
One way to improve your arm strength and work out your bicep muscles is with curl exercises. All you need are some dumbbells and some time. This video shows you an alternative curl routine called the side curl, which is a type of concentration curl. It begins at the side, then you curl the weights in toward your chest.
How To: Elevate your metabolism with kettlebell swing workouts
In this tutorial, we learn how to elevate your metabolism with kettlebell swing workouts. What you will do is a kettlebell swing. You will do twenty seconds of movement followed by ten seconds of rest. Repeat this for a total of eight rounds. This will elevate your metabolism for up for 31 hours. First, elevate your knees and stretch your hamstrings and glutes. Swing up using your glutes to thrust the kettlebell forward. Time this so you do twenty seconds on and ten seconds off. Do this fast ...
How To: Do a seated barbell calf raise to tone your thighs and calves
Too lazy to even stand up to exercise today? No problemo, because you can complete an entire circuit of exercises without ever leaving your chair!
How To: Distinguish between the bench press, incline press, and military press
When it comes to weights and lifting them, often people slack off or just forget about form because it's easy to do so. Additionally, it gets a little hard to think about sitting up straighter and rolling your shoulders down when you have a 100 pound weight above your head.
How To: Complete alternating dumbbell hammer curls to tone arms
Hammer curls are a very basic weight lifting exercise that anyone, from beginners to professional chunkheads, can do. Do remember, of course, that it's important to vary the weight according to what you can handle. If you're a beginner, try 5-10 pound weights until you can handle something heavier.
How To: Do low squats with heavy dumbbells to tone the upper and lower body
If you're willing to burn then this video is willing to teach you how to tone both your upper and lower body in almost no time. But chiseled abs and a high, round butt don't come easily.
How To: Do hammer curl exercises with weights to increase your biceps
If you're looking to beef up your biceps, then this is definitely an exercise you'll need to perform. Watch this instructional video to see how to correctly do hammer curls sitting on a weight bench. Doing hammer curls really works out your biceps brachii and brachialis muscles.
How To: Fix common workout mistakes
There are some simple techniques to correct common workout mistakes. You should look for cues, which come in forms such as lack or form or lack of engagement. Elastic bands and be used in order to help direct someone into proper form. This will give them resistance and help them to see/feel the proper motion. You should be further pushing them in the incorrect motion with resistance. Adding a heavy chain or a weight to the lower back during pushup is also an example. Resistance may be used wi...
How To: Do giant weight sets for a big back
In order to do a big back giant weight sets, you will need free weights, a bench, and a hanging bar. You can use towels or and powder, if it helps you.
How To: Clean the screen of a Microsoft Windows laptop
Got gunk on the screen of your notebook computer? This handy hardware how-to presents a complete overview of the cleaning process. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this video guide can offer a complete overview of the entire process in just under two minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Target your triceps when doing push-ups or press-ups
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn a popular variant on the push-up, one designed to target your triceps. With pushups, as with any body-sculpting exercise, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a lateral raise exercise routine with dumbbells
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a lateral raise lifting routine with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do tricep extension exercises with a dumbbell
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do tricep extensions with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a dumbbell shrug weight-lifting exercise routine
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a shrug routine with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a front deltoid raise shoulder barbell exercise
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a front deltoid shoulder barbell shoulder exercise with a barbell. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a front deltoid raise exercise with free weights
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a dumbbell front raise weight-lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Work out your forearms with an easy barbell routine
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a weight lifting routine to exercise your forearms. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a wrist curl weight-lifting exercise with dumbbells
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a wrist curl routine with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do an incline dumbbell fly weight lifting exercise
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a incline flyes with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do incline dumbbell press exercises with free weights
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do an incline dumbbell press weight lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do incline dumbbell curl exercises with free weights
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do an incline dumbbell curl weight lifting routine. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a concentrated bicep curl exercise with dumbbells
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a seated concentrated bicep curl weight lifting routine with free weights. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.
How To: Do a seated bicep curl exercise with free weights
In this free video exercise lesson, you'll learn how to do a seated bicep curls with dumbbells. With weight lifting, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this weight lifting exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.