Manny Castro shows you how to use free weight exercises such as the bench press, incline bench press, incline dumbbell flies, flat dumbbell flies, behind the neck dumbbell press, military press, dumbb ...
Nicole Nichols demonstrates how to use dumbbells and shows how you can get a full body workout. Use a weight that allows you to safely perform 15 repetitions in good form but challenges your muscles b ...
This video demonstrates how perform the one arm kettle bell swing to work out your glutes and hips. To do this, just place the kettle bell between your feet, crouch as you pick it up and use your glut ...
This video demonstrates how to work the medial deltoid muscles on an ordinary gym machine, the lateral raise. This video walks you through setting up the machine to your body type and doing the excerc ...
This video demonstrates how to work your hamstrings by doing leg curls. The video walks you through setting up the seated leg curler machine and performing the exercises correctly. ...
This video demonstrates how to work out your thighs by using an adductor machine. The video walks you through setting up the machine and performing the exercises properly to prevent hurting yourself. ...
This video demonstrates how to work out your quadricep muscles using a leg extension machine. The video walks you through adjusting the machine to your body type and explains how to perform the exerci ...
This video demonstrates how to use a leg press to work out your quads and glutes. The video walks you through setting up the machine to your body type and performing the exercises correctly to avoid i ...
Chris Cooke explains three exercises you can do to exercise your triceps using weights. You can do triceps dips, lying triceps extension, and single overhead press. It is recommended that you do ten r ...
Chris Cooke demonstrates how you can exercise your calves with free weights. You can do the following: standing calf raise, single calf raise, and seated calf raise. It is recommended that you do 15 r ...