![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633172924825468750_73c9a310e6.webp)
This standing exercise using a cable machine works the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh, the gluteal muscles, and it actually works the opposite side hip abductor muscles as stabilizers. ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162148331712529_a8a3f445c6.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do smith machine front squats. This exercise primarilly works the quadriceps and secondary the hamstrings and buttocks. Do not bounce or jerk your body, do these moves i ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162192271474795_ae3dcfa5bf.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do a T-Bar roll. This exercise works the upper back and lower latisimus dorsi. You can use either a T-Bar rowing machine or a barbell with a T-Bar attachment. ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162237907353292_2de6f11a15.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do a close-grip lat. pull-down. This primarily works the upper back and upper latisimus dorsi and secondarily works the biceps. Don't jerk the bar down using momentum i ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162242862204850_481751361e.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do a seated wide-grip row. This exercise works the latisimus dorsi and the upper back. Don't let the weights pull you forward, you control the weights. ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162252976447436_ade679e919.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do smith machine lunges. This exercise primarily works the quadriceps and buttocks and secondarily works the hamstrings. Once you have completed a set, switch legs and r ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162321378900708_8198f971c6.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do a lateral raise with a pulley cable. This exercise works primarily the side shoulder and secondarily the trapezius. The weight for this exercise should be low. ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162984320248564_39948342e1.webp)
This video demonstrates how to do tricep bench dips with weights. This exercise of course works the triceps. A spotter is recommended while performing this exercise to assure your safety and give feed ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633162999168719446_f9252514d6.webp)
This video shows how to do a tricep rope push-down with a pulley machine. If you have to rock your body or use momentum to complete the exercise then the weight is to heavy. ...
![Article cover image](https://assets.content.technologyadvice.com/633163004539509388_b69992ae2a.webp)
This video shows how to do overhead tricep extensions with a dumbbell. You sit on a chair or a angle bench. You lower the dumbbell behind your head in a slow and controlled manner. ...